Nostalgic Memories

Forgive me, my Son

Forgive me, my Son

Forgive me my Son For I cannot send you to a School Where I went as a child. A school, which was nothing but a school of Life. I don’t know of any school Where on the first day you go, shivering in your bones Yet come out after years feeling like a King And live like one, for ever. Such a great school I cannot ever find for you Where knowledge is not imparted, but live it I cannot give you a schoo... »

All the world’s a stage

All the world’s a stage

My Brush with the Stage “All the world’s a stage, and all men and women merely players” – William Shakespeare I vividly recall that after the end of each inter house debate, declamation, quiz and such other competitions held in the Assembly Hall, there would be a few minutes of impromptu entertainment in the School. Demands for few songs by Rajkhowa and his band or a parody by Bi... »

Sainik School Bhubaneswar, please don’t lose your shape, sheen, shine and soul!

Sainik School Bhubaneswar, please don’t lose your shape, sheen, shine and soul! »