Byelaws of   Alumni Association of SAINIK SCHOOL BHUBANESWAR or Association of Sainik School Bhubaneswar Alumni

Byelaws of   Alumni Association of SAINIK SCHOOL BHUBANESWAR or Association of Sainik School Bhubaneswar Alumni


We, the Alumni of Sainik School Bhubaneswar, solemnly resolve to bind ourselves in everlasting bond of brotherhood and fraternity. Together in solidarity, we shall endeavor to give back in good measure, to our Alma mater which groomed us in our formative years and to the society we live in.


(Please suggest)





1.         Name and Location:

The Association will be known as ASSBA (Association of Sainik School Bhubaneswar Alumni, pronounced ‘….’) OR AAOSSB (Alumni Association of Sainik School Bhubaneswar). The Head Office is situated at Sainik School, Bhubaneswar and may be shifted to any location within the municipal limits of Bhubaneswar ,if and when required .

2.         Aim:

To build a strong bond of brotherhood amongst the members and give back our to the alma mater in every manner possible.

3.                  Objectives:

  1. To create an environment for fostering strong bond of brotherhood amongst the alumni.
  2. To engage in activities for welfare and wellbeing of all members and help them in distress.
  3. Conduct activities that may improve the general image and eminence of the alma mater.
  4. Render assistance, including but not limited to, material, financial and guidance to the students of the school for furtherance of their academic and career goals.
  5. Financial help and scholarships to deserving students of the school who may be in need.
  6. f) Assist the school administration in every field in achieving the goals of the school, when requested.
  7. g) Financial assistance to ex-teachers in need.
  8. h) Associate with other Sainik School Associations for mutual help and foster the bond of All India Sainik School fraternity

i)Endeavor to become an example to the society at large by engaging in social activities such as aid to the victims of natural disasters and calamities, education and skill development programs for poor children in slums, promoting protection of the environment.

  1. j) In order to achieve the above objectives, raise funds , accept donations , sponsorships, invest such moneys and acquire property, as may be deemed fit and subject to laws of our country.
  1. Definition:
    • “AAOSSB”/ ASSBA and “Association” means “Alumni Association of Sainik School Bhubaneswar”/ Association of Sainik School Bhubaneswar Alumni.  (Name to be replaced as per chosen new name)


  • “Member” means one whose name is entered in the Register of Membership of the
  • “Executive Committee , EC” means the governing body of the
  • “School” or ‘SSB’ means Sainik School, Bhubaneswar (SSB).
  1. Membership:

5.1. The membership of the Association shall be open to all ex-students of Sainik School Bhubaneswar, who having completed at least one academic session, have paid Membership Fees and Annual Subscription as may be decided by the General Body of the Association from time to time. (Recommended Membership Fee as Annual Subscription ₹1000  for  2021)


5.2. Membership of any member who fails to pay the annual subscription for the calendar year including arrears, if any, shall stand suspended. He/she shall forfeit his/her right to vote.

5.3. A membership which is suspended due to non payment of subscription may be renewed, subject to approval of the Executive Committee on payment of arrears and penalty, if any, as fixed by the Executive Committee.

5.4. A member of the Association shall be entitled to all benefits that the Association may decide to give to its members, including the right to vote or contest election, provided he/she is not in arrears to the Association as on the date of the nomination.

5.5. Life Member: A member, if he/she so chooses, may become a Life Member by paying Life Membership Fee, as decided by the general body. Life Membership would be valid for 15 years (Recommended @ Rs.10000/-  for present ie. 10 years subscription fees). The life membership fees would be modified from time to time as per modification  in Annual Subscription Fees, i.e. , @ 10 years of Subscription fees .


5.6. Associate Member:

5.6.1. Associate membership may be granted by the EC to the following:-

  1. Ex-students of SSB, for a period of up to 6 years after passing out from the school or till they start earning whichever be earlier.
  2. Serving/ retired staff of the school.
  3. Widows of ex members.

5.6.2. Associate members shall have no voting rights and will not be eligible for holding any posts in the executive body. They shall not be required to pay any membership fees.

  1. 6. Organisation
    • The affairs of the Association shall be conducted through:-
  1. General Body.
  2. Executive Committee



6.2    General Body and its functions:

  • The General Body will comprise of all members of the association otherwise not disqualified by the Executive


  • It will be the permanent organ exercising all control over the affairs of the Association.


  • Broadly, the functions of the General Body will be:-
    1. To elect members of the Executive Committee and office
    2. To transact all business under the Rules and Bye Laws that is duly brought before
    3. To receive and adopt the Annual Report and Statement of A
    4. To frame the broad plan of action of the
    5. To appoint Auditor(s).
    6. To frame rules as may be necessary for better functional efficiency of the executive committee and conduct of the Association. Such rules when framed shall be binding on all members, until they are repealed by the general body. A simple majority shall be required for framing / repealing of rules.

6.3   Executive Committee:

6.3.1 Subject to the supervision and control of the General Body, all affairs of the Association shall be carried out by the Executive Committee consisting of the following:-

  1. Chairman-Ex officio
  2. President
  3. Vice President
  4. Secretary
  5. Joint Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Treasurer
  8. One elected/nominated member from cluster of every 4 batches starting with the first batch.

(Representative batch cluster  size may be altered by the GB, with a simple majority , as and when the total number of members in the EC becomes more than 20 ,thus becoming too large.)

Note: This shall be the only exception to the amendment of the Bye laws which will be permissible in this manner and shall not be considered as contradictory to clause 16 of this Bylaw.

  1. i) One member elected/ nominated by every recognized Alumni chapter consisting of more than 50 members. The restriction of 50 members may be relaxed by the GB/EC for Alumni chapters located out side India on request from the  respective chapters.
  2. j) Teacher Coordinator- To be nominated by the Principal SSB

6.3.2. The Principal, Sainik School Bhubaneswar shall be the Ex-officio Chairman of the Association.

  • All the Office-bearers and the Executive Committee members will be elected as per Article 9 of the Bye Law.


  • If there be no candidates for election to any post or there be any vacancies, the President may nominate any volunteer, eligible member to function in that capacity, with the consent of the executive committee.


  • Should a vacancy occur in the Executive Committee mid term , it may be filled by the Executive Committee by co-option.


  • The term of office-bearers ad Executive Committee shall be for 2 years from the date the Executive Committee resumes


  • If for any reason elections cannot be held in time, the executive committee shall be granted 6 months extension at one time, by the Chairman, till next elections are dully


7. General Body Meeting


  • Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be held each year and the interval between any two meetings shall not exceed 18 AGM shall be held on the last Saturday of the month of December , as per traditions. If for any valid reason or any unforeseen circumstances, a change of date is necessitated, adequate notice of not less than 30 days shall be given.


  • An extraordinary General Body Meeting of the Association may be held:


  1. a) When deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
  2. b) When requisitioned by not less than 100
  • Notice of  not less than 30 days shall be given for AGM and minimum of 15 days for Extraordinary General Body Meeting.


  • 20% of the total membership or 50 members, whichever is less, shall form the quorum for the General Body Meetings. In case a General Body or extraordinary General Body Meeting is postponed for want of quorum, at the next such meeting quorum will not be Virtual/Online participation will count towards the quorum, once system and procedures are put in place.


  • Every member present shall have one vote. Decision at the General Body Meeting will be taken by simple majority. Electronic voting may be permitted provided that proper modes of voting with appropriate digital security are instituted and approved by the General Body.


  • The proceedings of every meeting shall be recorded by the Secretary in the book of proceedings of the Association and shall be signed by the President of the meeting within a reasonable period in token of his having been satisfied on its



8.      Executive Committee Meeting:


8.1. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times in a year.

8.2. A meeting of the Executive Committee may be called , in either of the under mentioned circumstances:

  1. By Secretary when deemed necessary
  2. When requisition is made by not less than 50% of the members of the committee.

8.3. Ordinarily, notice of 7 days shall be given for all meetings of the Executive Committee, except for emergent purposes.

8.4.  Seven members present shall form the quorum for meeting .

  • Decision at the Executive Committee will be taken by simple majority, each member having one vote; the President will have the casting


  • Any resolution in writing signed by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall be deemed to be the resolution passed by the Executive Committee and shall be deemed to have been passed , on the date on which the last signatory affixes his signature on


9.         Elections:

  • Election of the Office bearers and other members of the Executive Committee shall be made at the Annual General Body Meeting by the members present and voting subject to provision in article 6.3.1. Virtual/Online presence will be accepted and Online voting will be permitted as and when digital system and security procedures are put in place, to the full satisfaction of the General Body /Election Commission .


  • The election shall be conducted by an Election Commission, consisting of one Commissioner and two Deputy Commissioners, nominated by the Chairman on advice of the Executive Committee.


  • Subject to the provisions of the Bye Laws , the Election Commission shall have the right to frame such rules and fix such schedules, as may be necessary for him to conduct the election independently in a free and fair manner.


  • No member shall hold more than one post in the Executive Committee at a time.


  • No person shall hold any single post in the executive committee for more than 3 tenures.





10.         Duties of Office Bearers:


  • Chairman– The Chairman shall preside over all In the absence of Chairman, the President shall function as the Chairman.


  • President / Vice President : The President shall preside over all the meetings of the EC. The Association shall function under his overall supervision and The Vice President will take over the function in the absence of the President.


  • Secretary/Joint Secretary : The Secretary shall convene Executive Committee/ General Body He would be the Chief Executive of the Association. He shall arrange to take minutes of all such meetings; conduct all correspondence, convene all meetings and exercise supervision over the affairs of the Association. The Secretary shall help the President in his work and shall coordinate the work of the Association under the guidance of the President. The Joint Secretary shall help the Secretary in discharging his functions and shall act as Secretary in absence of Secretary.


  • Treasurer/ Assistant Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all Funds of the Association. He shall make payments towards all expenditure sanctioned and authorized by the Executive Committee within the financial powers to be decided by the General Body/Executive Committee from time to time. He shall prepare a Balance Sheet annually, showing clearly every item of receipt and expenditure. He may be authorized by the Executive Committee of the Association for collection of voluntary donations  from organizations and individuals as and when necessary. The Assistant Treasurer will help the Treasurer in collections, accounting etc. under his guidance.


  • All other office bearers will function as per the direction of the President under the supervision of the General Secretary.


  • Teacher Coordinator: A serving teacher of SSB shall be nominated by the Principal, SSB to be the Teacher He shall be the link between the School Authorities and the OBA.


  • It is intended that the Office-bearers and the committee members should work as a close-knit team and share duties and responsibilities as may be decided from time to time by the President/ Executive


  • The Executive Committee of the association may authorize the Secretary/ Treasurer to call for voluntary donations from its members/ sponsors for any purpose specified by the




11.1.All funds shall be deposited in account(s) with banks, institutions, societies etc. in the name of the Association.

11.2.The bank accounts shall be jointly operated by the  Secretary and or any other office bearer of the Association to whom such powers are delegated by the Executive Committee.

11.3.General Fund: The General Fund of the Association shall consist of the subscription from the members, donations, borrowings, loans, grants, sponsorship etc.

11.4. Funds received for any specific purpose from all sources ,such as donations etc., shall be maintained under a separate head. Unexpended surpluses may be merged with general fund with the consent of the EC.

11.5. Treasurer may not retain more than Rs.25000/- or an amount  in cash as decided by EC ,to meet any emergency expenses.


12.   Objects on which the General Funds can be expended:


12.1.The General Funds of the Association shall not be spent for any purpose other than the following:-


  1. Meeting
  2. Establishment
  3. Any other purpose specifically approved by the General and/or the Executive

12.2. The annual expenditure shall be as per budget passed by the General Body and or the EC. The GB may lay down financial powers of the office bearers and the executive committee.

12.3. A financial year shall be counted from 01 Jan to 31 Dec  of a calendar year or as may be suitable for purpose of audit and tax returns which may be decided by the EC.


13.         Audit


  • The annual accounts of the Association shall be audited by an auditor nominated for the purpose by the executive committee annually. The audited accounts shall be placed before the general body meeting for ratification.


  • The auditor shall be nominated by the executive committee and the auditor so nominated shall not be a member or office bearer of the executive


14.   Register of Members:


  • The Association shall keep a register of its members containing their names, school number, addresses and particulars of their family/profession


  • The Register shall be kept open for inspection by any member/s of the Association at the office of the Association during office



  1. Inspection of Books of Accounts


The books of accounts of the Association shall be open for inspection of any member as per the convenience of the Treasurer. A notice of at least 7 days will be required for the same.


16.   Amendment of Constitution


The Constitution may be amended, altered, replaced, rescinded or added to, at any time by two-thirds majority of the members present at General Body Meeting, provided previous notice of at least 30 days is given to the members of the proposed amendment.


17.   Legal


  • The Secretary shall represent the association in all legal matters.


  • The Office bearer/ officer/ person in whose name the Society may sue or be used shall be the Secretary.


  • All the suits against the Association shall be within the jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar


18.         Disciplinary Action:


  • Disciplinary Action may be initiated against any member who acts against the interest of the Association or acts in a manner which violates the aims and objectives of the Association. Before taking suitable action against any member, a committee appointed by the Executive Committee shall go into the charges against the concerned member and reasonable opportunity shall be given to the recalcitrant member to explain his Executive Committee will take the final decision in this regard. The recalcitrant member can appeal against any decision of the EC to the AGM. Decision taken at the AGM with simple majority shall be deemed to be final.
  • The Mentor group, when so formed under the provisions given in Part-II, may expel any member for a specified period or  recommend any other form of corrective advice/action, including restrictions of participating in any  group activities or social media , aligned to or carrying the name of SSB, as it deems fit, if it finds that any member’s conduct is not conducive to and or is detrimental to cohesiveness of the association or it’s ethos.


  1. 19. Removal from Office:

19.1. President, Vice President or Secretary:  The President, Vice President or Secretary  may be removed from office, before completion of their tenure, on grounds of gross misconduct or moral turpitude by impeachment, in the General Body. A notice of charges and evidence thereof shall be given at least 30 days prior to such impeachment. The President, Vice President or Secretary  and his representatives shall be allowed to put their defence before the general body after the charges are brought forth and the evidence admitted in public hearing.  A 2/3rd majority of members present shall be required for successful impeachment.  The general body may then decide upon the quantum of punishment which may be any one or more of the following:

  1. Cancellation of membership for a term not exceeding 2 yrs.
  2. Debarring from holding any office in future.
  3. A written apology.


19.2.  Other Members of the Executive Committee. All other members of the Executive Committee may be removed by the Executive Committee itself, on successful impeachment by a two-third majority in the EC. A notice of charges and evidence thereof shall be given at least 30 days prior to such impeachment.

19.3. Not withstanding the above, any office bearer may be asked to demit office by the Mentor Group, when so formed as given in Part II,  for acting in any manner detrimental to the cohesiveness of AAOSSB or any unbecoming conduct, in the opinion of the mentors group.

20.   Dissolution of the Association


20.1. The Association shall not be dissolved except by the vote of majority of three-fourth  members at a General Body Meeting called for the purpose.


  • The funds of the Association after meeting all the liabilities shall be disposed of in accordance with the decision arrived at the Dissolution Meeting and in consonance with the dissolution clause of the Societies Registration Act,


Certified to be a true copy of the Rules and Bye-laws of the Association of Sainik School Bhubaneswar Alumni and there is no other such organization in the above name at Bhubaneswar.







1.The provisions contained in this part shall not be enforced but the principles  laid down ,herein, are in the nature of directives or guidelines which shall be followed by the association for better functional efficiency and in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the association.

  1. 2. Association and its members shall always strive to function and act in the spirit of the Preamble, Moto, and endeavor to achieve the Aims and objectives given in this By-Laws.

3.The association shall endeavor  to use the talent, knowledge and skills available within the Alumni for all round development. Committees or Alumni Bodies may be formed as under and any other, as may be required, by the EC.

  1. Mentors Group. Chosen from amongst the Senior members of the Alumni, with proven track record of excellence in their respective fields and ex Presidents of OBA, The Mentors Group  shall be responsible for general guidance , conflict resolution, advice on maintaining protocols,  outlining value systems and maintaining the rich legacy of the Alma mater. The advice of the Mentor group though not binding, except as given in art 18.2 and 19.3. , shall be given due importance in decision making process and conduct of business of the EC. The members of the Mentors group should be invited to attend EC meetings. They shall not participate in the affairs and voting but may offer their opinion if requested to do so.


  1. Think Tank Group: A group of experts in  any or several  fields may be constituted, when considered necessary, to suggest areas of improvement and development  in the functioning of Association and giving back to the Alma mater, within the framework of the byelaws.


  1. c) Project Teams: They may conceptualize , plan and execute projects , as may be assigned by the General Body and or the Executive Committee.


  1. Archives and Records Team: A team shall be assigned to collect, collate and store all historical information including photos, films and documents about the Alma mater. A permanent record of such items shall be stored in suitable format and indexed for ease of reference and recovery.


  1. e) IT Team: An Information Technology team may be constituted to build and maintain all IT related infrastructure like website, Apps, Twitter and social messaging apps like WhatsApp , Telegram etc. The team may laydown rules of conduct in social media with the approval of the EC.
  2. f) Funds Raising Team: A team or teams to raise funds through donations, sponsorships, for events, organizing philanthropic activities and any other activities listed in the objectives, under the advice of EC.


  1. g) Any other teams/ bodies/ groups that may be considered necessary from time to time.



  1. Such bodies, except the Mentors Group, shall be answerable for their functioning and conduct to the executive committee and shall receive required resources from it. The head of such teams/ groups may be selected/ elected by executive committee and may be given the status of VP but their tenure may not be restricted.




This part shall contain compendium of all rules framed by the General Body, under the provisions of article 6.2.3.(f) of the Bylaws. These rules shall not form a part of the Bylaws. The rules shall be annexed to the Bylaws only for ease of reference and so that the rules are not lost in the files. The rules so framed, shall be named and annexed as under :-

  1. Financial Rules : Named and referred serially for example as FR 1/20, FR 2/20, FR 3/21 (Serial No/ year) and so on.
  2. General Rules: Named as GR 1/20 and so on.
  3. Election Rules: Named as ER 1/20 and so on. ERs may be framed/ amended by the nominated Election Commission formed by the Chairman subject to final approval by the Chairman who may consult the Executive Committee before giving it the stamp of authority. The rules so framed must be in conformity with resources available at the disposal of the association for smooth and orderly conduct of elections.


4.SOPs may be framed as guides for various activities. A compendium of SOPs shall be maintained separately. However, a list of SOPs  may be appended to this Part 3 for ease of reference only.




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